AIM-BLAST-AJAX Interfaced Multisequence Blast, is a simplified tool developed by us to facilitate the multiple sequences blast using Ajax as an interface. It integrates the SOAP services of EBI NCBI Blast and the functionality of AJAX (Asynchronous Javascript and XML) to allow the users to carryout the blast searches for the multiple sequences at an instance. Although a few tools for multiple sequences blast are already available online, they are restricted only to a limited number of genomes and consume several bytes of data transfer for receiving the results. Hence this tool is developed with a laconic framework to carryout similarity search for numerous sequences of a genome at a stretch with the consumption of reduced level of data transfer. The results of the blast search in this tool are displayed in an easily interpretable table format and hence AIM-BLAST prevails to be user-friendly too.
1. G. Aravindhan, R. Sathish Kumar, K. Subha, T.K.Subazini, Alpana Dey, Krishna Kant and G. Ramesh Kumar (2009) AIM-BLAST-AJAX Interfaced Multisequence Blast. Proteomics Insights 2 9-13. Link
2. G. Aravindhan, G. Ramesh Kumar, R. Sathish Kumar and K. Subha (2009) AJAX Interface: A Breakthrough in Bioinformatics Web Applications. Proteomics Insights 2 1-7. Link